Special Education
Teachers and Therapists provide inclusive classroom supports as well as pull out special education services. Therapists individualize services for a child based on the child’s Individual Education Program (IEP). All therapists work collaboratively to insure continuity of services. Teachers possess a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in Education/Special Education and are licensed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Therapists possess licensure in their areas of expertise. Read more information.
Staff Contacts
Name | Janice Bryant | Stephanie Dechatrette | Lynne Maloof | Yelena Mamedova | Susan Piersa | Ashley Riker | Jessica Greer | Cheri Ferreira | Catherine Ford | Lisa Lessa | Christina McBride | Victoria Mestre | Cheryl Mills | Ida Flaherty | Frances Jancaterino | Rhonda Schultz | Laurie Soncrant | Rita Wade |
Title | Occupational Therapist | School Psychologist | Physical Therapist | Speech & Language Pathologist | Speech & Language Pathologist | Adjustment Counselor | Enrichment Paraprofessional | Teacher Assistant | Teacher Assistant | Teacher Assistant | Teacher Assistant | Teacher Assistant | Teacher Assistant | Paraprofessional | Paraprofessional | Paraprofessional | Paraprofessional | Paraprofessional |