Navigating The College Application Process
Navigating the College Application Process
Searching for Colleges/Universities on Naviance
We recommend using Naviance, the college and career planning software to search for Colleges/Universities. Naviance helps students and families connect what students do in the classroom to their life goals, including finding colleges and careers based on personal skills and areas of interest.
Juniors & Seniors can log into their personalized account through the Naviance website.
If you would like to login into Naviance as a Guest User:
Please visit:
Put in the Stoughton Zip Code
Click on I’m a guest (right-hand side)
Password: SHSKNIGHT.
Organizing Required Application Materials & Deadlines
The website of each college/university to which you are applying will include a list of required application materials. For example, for four-year colleges, the list may include items such as transcript, 2 teacher letters of recommendation, SAT scores, etc. The website will also list their application options (Early Decision, Early Action, Regularly Decision, Rolling) and deadlines.
Teacher Letters of Recommendation
Seniors applying to four-year colleges will most likely need one to two teacher letters of recommendation. However, they will need to find out the exact number required by checking the "application requirements" on the websites of the colleges to which they are applying. To request a teacher letter of recommendation, please use the Student Request For Teacher Recommendation Form.
Counselor Letter of Recommendation
Seniors applying to four-year colleges will most likely need a counselor letter of recommendation. Please complete College Questionnaire (upload form) and return it to your guidance counselor. Please answer each question thoughtfully and honestly as it will provide a valuable summary of significant information about you. Your guidance counselor will use this information to assist in the writing of your recommendation. When seniors apply to a college/university through the Common Application, a counselor letter of recommendation is automatically required.
*Please note: Parents/guardians are also welcome to provide input for the counselor letter of recommendation by filling out the Guardian Questionnaire.
Standardized Tests (ACT& SAT)
2017-18 Standardized Test Dates at Stoughton High School
Sending Your Standardized Test Scores to Colleges:
You will need to send your official score report directly to the colleges to which you are applying. You will do this through the test center website:
Please note: self-reporting your scores on the Common Application DOES NOT replace this step.
Student Transcript
What does the senior year transcript include?
Final grades in each class, Grades 9 -11
A transcript will be sent to the colleges/universities to which you are applying. Please complete a 2020 Transcript Release Form to give Stoughton High School permission to send your transcript.
First term grades will atomically be sent to all colleges to which we have previously sent your transcript.
Midyear grades will only be sent to colleges/universities that you informed Guidance Office to send them to.
Scholarships- Stoughton High Schools maintains a database of all scholarships of which we have been made aware that students can quickly and easily access. To access the scholarship database, seniors must log into their Naviance account and click on "Colleges" >> "Scholarship List."
For additional information and resources, please access the Scholarships Side Tab.